Sunday, September 10, 2006

I will introduce myself later seeing as it's 10:35 and this blog is due tomorrow. It was very easy for me to find a formal news article about 9/11, but I found it very difficult to find an informal article. Of course I started off by "googling" it. All I could find were many formal articles, which was nice for the first half of my assignment but not very good for the second half. After having no luck in the Google department I decided to check one of the biggest informal news sites, MySpace. What I found surprised me. I was hoping for some blogs about people who were personally affected. What I found were hundreds upon hundreds of conspiracy theories and MySpace accounts dedicated to inform people about these theories. For example, Mike Hawkins at www.myspace.com/911_exposed claims that Osama Bin Laden was trained by the CIA, paid for by the taxpayers, with very little evidence. The conspiracy theories go beyond the MySpace scene or the Facebooks or any other "blogging" community. Thierry Meyssan a French author of The Horrifying Fraud claims the pentagon must have been by a missile because the hole in the building was too small for a plane. He backs up this idea by showing pictures of the building which do not show anything that looks like plane parts. Of course the pictures which show the plane parts have been left out. I find it interesting that with every big event that happens on our planet, there will be many conspiracy theories to follow. Meyssan's book was a French best seller, selling over 200,000 copies. Many people are disturbed by this yet Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code has many of the same aspects only it was about the Catholic religion. So I guess it's an inevitable aftereffect of any major event in the world that there will be conspiracy theories. There are still people today that do not believe the Holocaust actually occurred. I believe these theories are created because people do not want to believe that such horrible things can actually happen, or can not accept it.


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